The PALEO version of the COPSE Reloaded model is componentized into land, atmosphere, ocean, oceanfloor and sedcrust Domains with explicit transfer of biogeochemical fluxes between them (Figure 1), allowing the PALEO Reactions for each Domain to be reused to create a hierarchy of coupled models eg including a spatially-resolved ocean component.

The implementation is mathematically equivalent to the Matlab version using for the paper ((Lenton et al., 2018)) and is tested against archived model output.

Figure 1

PALEO COPSE reloaded model Domains (black), flux coupler Domains (green), and biogeochemical Reservoirs (blue). The 'atmocean' Domain contains the COPSE A and O Reservoirs, which represent combined atmosphere + ocean inorganic carbon and oxygen respectively. The 'global' Domain hosts Forcing Reactions, ReactionSum to check budgets, and a Reaction to calculate global mean temperature.