COPSE Reloaded

These examples demonstrate COPSE reloaded ((Lenton et al., 2018)), modularised with an atm/ocean/land/sedcrust split.

Activate the PALEOcopse/examples environment

First, change the Julia REPL working directory to the PALEOcopse/examples/COPSE folder:

In VS code, right click on this folder in the file browser and select Julia: Change to This Directory. Or from the REPL, use the cd command):

julia> cd("examples/COPSE")

If it is not already active, activate the Julia environment PALEOcopse/examples:

In VS code, right click on PALEOjulia/PALEOexamples or any subfolder in the file browser and select Julia: Activate Parent Environment. Or from the REPL, use ] to enter package management:

import Pkg

To run the COPSE Reloaded baseline example for the Phanerozoic:

julia> include("COPSE_reloaded_reloaded.jl")

This will run and plot output (NB: the first run will be slow as Julia JIT compiles the code).

To display model Parameters, Variables, and output.

See PALEOmodel documentation

Change climate sensitivity from default 3C to 6C and compare pCO2 prediction

See (Lenton et al., 2018) Fig. 11

Modify parameters and rerun model:

default_3C_output = paleorun.output  # keep default 3C output
PB.setvalue!(PB.get_reaction(model, "global", "temp_global").pars.k_c, 8.656)  # change climate sensitivity
paleorun = PALEOmodel.Run(model=model, output = PALEOmodel.OutputWriters.OutputMemory())
PALEOmodel.ODE.integrate(paleorun, initial_state, modeldata, (-1000e6, 0), solvekwargs=(reltol=1e-4,)); # rerun

Compare pCO2:

using Plots; plotlyjs(size=(750, 500))  # load Julia Plots.jl and choose PlotlyJS backend
pCO2atm_3C = PALEOmodel.get_array(default_3C_output, "atm.pCO2atm") # get FieldArray for plotting
plot(1e6*pCO2atm_3C, label="3C default", ylabel="pCO2 (1e-6 atm)") # plot x1e6
pCO2atm_6C = PALEOmodel.get_array(paleorun.output, "atm.pCO2atm")   # get FieldArray
plot!(1e6*pCO2atm_6C, label="6C", ylabel="pCO2 (1e-6 atm)") # plot x1e6
plot!(xlim=(-600e6, 0), ylim=(0, 4000))  # rescale axes

Jupyter notebook version

The same content as above (with additional examples) is available as the Jupyter notebook COPSE_reloaded_reloaded.ipynb.

To start Jupyter from within the Julia REPL:

julia> using IJulia
julia> notebook(dir=pwd(), detached=true)