Black Sea intermediate-complexity box model

Black sea examples and test cases, using the 1-column model for the Black sea circulation from (Romaniello and Derry, 2010).


These examples use ReactionOceanTransportRomanielloICBM to read Matlab data files with the Black sea circulation from (Romaniello and Derry, 2010).

The Matlab datafiles are available as a zip file from, generated from the Matlab model code available as Supplementary Information to (Romaniello and Derry, 2010).

The examples assume the zip file has been downloaded and unpacked to subfolder ../romglb/romaniello2010_transport (NB: a subfolder of romglb, not this folder blacksea, as the zip file contains both global and Black sea data files). The script download_data_files.jl provides a function to do this:


download_romaniello2010_files()  # download and unzip

O2 only air-sea exchange and transport test


P, O2 with parameterized export production


Phosphorus and oxygen, with a parameterization of export production based on light and nutrient availability.

Configured to create a closed circulation by returning Bosphorus outflow back to surface box, and sourcing Bosphorus inflow from surface box.

No burial fluxes (ie oceanfloor phosphorus flux is recycled into water column), so the Black sea is effectively a closed system for phosphorus.

P, O2, S with parameterized export production


Phosphorus, oxygen, sulphur, with a parameterization of export production based on light and nutrient availability.