Transport examples

PALEOocean/examples/transport_examples contains two examples showing the construction of (ocean) transport matrices, using PALEOocean.Ocean.add_loop! to construct a transport matrix by adding circulation around closed loops.


julia> include("PALEO_examples_transport_advect.jl")

This uses TransportExamples.ReactionTransportAdvectExample defined in TransportExamples.jl to construct a transport matrix with a closed loop circulation down the first column and up the second column of a column-based model.

Tracer advection image

Figure 1

Closed loop circulation down col :a and up column :b resulting in advection of a tracer T down column :a and up column b:. Area of :a is 10x that of :b, hence the advection velocity in :b is 10x that in :a. NB: advection using CVODE, an implicit stiff ODE integrator, is quite diffusive


julia> include("PALEO_examples_transport_diffuse.jl")

This uses TransportExamples.ReactionTransportDiffuseExample defined in TransportExamples.jl to construct a transport matrix with constant vertical diffusivity Kz.

Tracer diffusion image

Figure 2

Constant diffusivity Kz columns :a and :b. Cell thickness in :b is 10x that of :a

Additional Reactions