Optional additional configuration

Local paths in LocalPreferences.toml

PALEO uses Julia Preferences.jl to simplify configuration for data files that are not part of the PALEO repo hence may be in a different location on the local machine.

Any Parameter value string in $ $ eg $SomePath$ will be substituted with the value of the key SomePath read from the LocalPreferences.toml file in the top-level folder for the current environment (eg PALEOexamples/LocalPreferences.toml).

Currently this mechanism is used to define paths for external data files for ocean transport, via the keys S2P3TransportDir, GENIETransportDir, TMMDir.

Configuring for Julia - python interoperability

Julia interoperability with Python is provided by the PythonCall.jl package in the JuliaPy github organisation. This is now recommended over the earlier PyCall.jl package.

See https://juliapy.github.io/PythonCall.jl/stable/pythoncall/#pythoncall-config for configuration options to either use an existing python install from Julia, or to let Julia install it's own copy of python.

Jupyter notebooks

The Julia language (like Python and R, unlike Matlab) can use multiple different development workflows, including the Jupyter environment and notebooks via the IJulia package (this is the 'Ju' in Jupyter https://blog.jupyter.org/i-python-you-r-we-julia-baf064ca1fb6).

Using Jupyter notebooks does however introduce a dependency on Python. The most reliable way to get this working is to ask IJulia to install its own Conda-based version of Python and Jupyter (see https://julialang.github.io/IJulia.jl/stable/):

julia> using Pkg   # the Julia package manager
julia> pwd()    # check we are in the top-level PALEO.jl folder
julia> Pkg.activate("PALEOexamples")  # activate the PALEOexamples environment
julia> ENV["JUPYTER"]=""; Pkg.build("IJulia")  # force IJulia to use its own Conda-based Jupyter version
julia> using IJulia  
julia> notebook(dir=pwd(), detached=true)  # Prompt to install Jupyter, launch an IJulia notebook in your browser

See Configuring for Julia - python interoperability for setup details including how to use an external Python installation.


Julia has multiple plot backends, and these can either use a standalone window or display "inline" to the VS code plot panel (or Jupyter notebook).

VS code plot panel

Enable/disable the VS code plot panel with the Julia: Use plot panel checkbox in VS code settings (search for Julia). If disabled, plotting will use a standalone window.

GR backend

VS code

Enlarging VS plot window using default GR backend: julia> using Plots; gr(size = (750, 565))


The standalone GR plot window (if not using VS code plot panel) can only display one plot in one window, so not recommended.

PlotlyJS backend

VS code

Using PlotlyJS backend in VS code: julia> using Plots; plotlyjs(size=(750, 565)).


See https://github.com/JuliaPlots/PlotlyJS.jl for note on Blink install.

Pyplot backend

This requires the Python Matplotlib library, see https://github.com/JuliaPy/PyPlot.jl for installation instructions. The simplest configuration is for Julia to install a private (not system provided) Python distribution. On linux, this requires that you set ENV["PYTHON"]="" before adding PyPlot:

julia> ENV["PYTHON"]="" 
julia> Pkg.add("PyPlot")  # will automatically install python Matplotlib etc as needed and the Qt backend

or if PyPlot is already installed but failing with a system Python,

julia> ENV["PYTHON"]="" 
julia> Pkg.build("PyCall")  # will rebuild to use private Python install, and install Matplotlib next time PyPlot is imported.

See Configuring for Julia - python interoperability for setup details including how to use an external Python installation.

VS code

Using pyplot backend in VS code: julia> using Plots; pyplot()


On linux, install process above will use the Qt backend by default, see https://github.com/JuliaPy/PyPlot.jl for instructions for MacOS.

SIMD vectorized math functions

By default, Julia (as of version 1.6) will fall back to slow scalar functions for SIMD exp, log etc, which has a big (x2) impact on the speed of carbonate chemistry and hence run time for large (GENIE size) models that use many small fixed timesteps. As a workaround, PALEO will use the sleef library (https://sleef.org) for fast vectorized versions, supplied by the SLEEF_jll.jl package. This can be disabled by setting USE_SLEEF = false in LocalPreferences.toml and restarting the Julia REPL.