CPU (Carbon, Phosphorus, Uranium) model

These examples demonstrate the CPU model ((Clarkson et al., 2018)) using a minimal single-box implementation in PALEO with parameter values from ((Zhang et al., 2020)).

Setting the Julia environment and working directory

Change the Julia REPL working directory to the PALEOtutorials/examples/CPU folder:

In VS code, right click on this folder in the file browser and select Julia: Change to This Directory. Or from the REPL, use the cd command):

julia> cd("PALEOtutorials/examples/CPU")

If it is not already active, activate the Julia environment PALEOtutorials/examples:

In VS code, right click on PALEOtutorials/examples or any subfolder in the file browser and select Julia: Activate Parent Environment. Or from the REPL, use ] to enter package management:

julia> pwd()
julia> ] 
(@v1.7) pkg> activate ../
  Activating project at `/home/sd336/software/julia/PALEOtutorials/examples`

To run the CPU example with a default 3e18 mol C perturbation

julia> include("CPU_examples.jl")

This will run and plot output (NB: the first run will be slow as Julia JIT compiles the code).

To display model Parameters, Variables, and output.

See Displaying model configuration and output from the Julia REPL